Monday, February 25, 2013

Skinny Peacock Scarf

A long time ago I bought some "Fat Annie" roving (a Texel/Cotswold cross) from The Crazy Sheep Lady at Punkin's Patch. A lovely white roving. It never crossed my mind to take a picture (that's how long ago it was).

Some time ago I dyed the roving using Country Classic Dyes, some Saran Wrap and a large dye pot. It crossed my mind to take a picture, but it never happened.

Recently, I spun about 1 ounce of the green-dyed roving and 1 ounce of the blue/green-dyed roving and then made this 2-ply yarn (about 130 yards). The colors remind me of a peacock.

I wanted knit something simple and quick to see if I was on track with my dying and spinning skills (eek). So last month I picked the chevron and eyelet pattern from Vogue Knitting:  The Ultimate Knitting Book, decided on a 4-stitch garter border to help it lie flat, grabbed my Size 7 DPN's and cast on.  It ended up being 3 1/2 inches x 80 inches.  I could not stop knitting this pattern over and over again!  And now I have this scarf to keep me warm . . .


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